Saturday, February 7, 2009

Food Journal 2/6/09

Warning: Day my wisdom teeth came out. Eating was severe agony! None of my teeth were showing and the doctor said they were down extra deep. No good!

Weight: 179.5

Food for the day:
- 1 single serve no-sugar-added applesauce cup (the first thing I ate, I had tears streaming down my face)
- 1 serving box Yukon Gold mashed potatoes (that my loving boyfriend was so kind to make)
- 1 Campbell's Soup at Hand, tomato, lower sodium
- 1 18.5 oz Fuze Slenderize Tangerine Grapefruit beverage (got this on sale at my grocery store)
- 1 small chocolate milkshake my boyfriend concocted with Silk light chocolate soymilk, non-fat chocolate frozen yogurt, a drizzle light Hershey's chocolate syrup, and a dash skim milk, and a swirl of fat free Reddi Whip. Delicious!

Snack: Percocet and Penicillin cocktail. lol.

Water intake: Whatever I could get down, probably only a few glasses.

I'm pretty sure this whole eating less than 500 calories a day thing will really give me a boost to my weight loss, as twisted as that thought is. I was thinking about my last few weigh-ins and my short-term goal at this point will be to stay under 180 now that I'm down there. So I'm going to be extra conscious of my eating, especially as I start eating more solid foods here in the next few days. I haven't been seeing a ton of weight come off, even though I've completely overhauled both my eating and my exercise habits. If for some reason, I'm still having trouble here in the next few weeks, I'm thinking of seeing an actual licensed nutritionist to review my food & exercise logs and hopefully be able to tell me what I'm doing wrong. My boyfriend says to just have patience, which I guess is true. Every other time I've lost weight, it's been on a certain diet, but now I'm just trying to go at it the natural way by eating healthier and getting active. I suppose it takes longer for you body weight to naturalize if you're not counting (points or calories) or removing whole food groups from your diet. It's hard for me, though, because patience is what I lack. Hopefully, I'll know when and if I do really need help from a nutritionist and can make it happen then. The thing is I seem to bounce from one solution to the next (yo-yo dieter anyone?), especially when I don't see results right away. My mind automatically starts weighing the benefits of other methods and diets and I usually head off on a different track. Well, I'm going to try to be patient for once, then go from there.

Hope everyone is having a much better day than I am. My face is so swollen I look like a troll. Off for an ice pack!!


P.S. Anyone else out there who has wisdom teeth removal horror stories? Comment me!

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